Friday, June 14, 2024

Tower of Tempest | Stolen Crowns: Book 3

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This book is currently on Kindle.

By: Tee Harlowe

Publication Date: June 19,2024

Rate: ♥♥♥♥

Read on: Kindle

Book Summary:

I might be sheltered, but I'm smart enough to know that I can't fall for the playboy prince - or his charms.

I've spent my life locked in a tower with nothing but books and my gran to keep me company. Until the day she disappears. Despite Gran's warnings about never leaving, I've finally discovered a way out, and I'm going to find her.

At least that's my plan. Until some idiot decides to rescue me. Instead, he almost gets us both killed. Worse, I discover he's Lochlan Aster, the famous playboy prince, one of the most eligible bachelors on the continent, and a shameless flirt.

I don't trust him, but his offer to help find my gran is too tempting. I know nothing about this magical and dangerous world around me, nothing about myself. As Lochlan and I work together, pieces of my past click together, and I learn more about who put me in that tower and why. Yet the biggest danger might be the prince's reason for helping me. A secret that won't just break the trust I'm finally learning to build, but my heart along with it.

My Thoughts:

This book was a delight with a Rapunzel/Jack the Beanstalk fairytale retelling vibe. I loved the world-building and the magical elements of the story. Who wouldn't want to have wings and fly? Or use shadows, water, or fire to create magical things. And the banter is out of this world. All the characters were such a delight. Poppy the MFC has been stuck in a tower for 22 years and has no idea how to use her magic. She has wings but no idea how to make them work. Then along comes Lochlan the MMC, the Playboy Prince. He has lost his shadow and can no longer use his magic. But he will save Poppy and help her find her gran no matter the cost. Maybe even his life. I loved every page and can't wait for Book 4 in the Stolen Crowns series - Wilds of Wonder coming September 18, 2024. Maybe Driscoll will get his own story. He deserves it!

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Sweet Somethings III by Theresa Lambe

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