Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sweet Somethings III | One Shot Steamy Stories


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This book is currently on Kindle and Paperback.

By: Multiple Authors

Publication Date: June 7,2024

Rate: ♥♥♥♥

Read on: Kindle

Book Summary:

Where everybody knows everybody and the gossip is cheap, but secrets and superstitions run deep.
Where home cooking and sex have their own distinct flair; satisfying and often times nostalgic, but always fresh and piping hot.
Where what happens here, doesn't always stay here, for passions run high when emotions go low.

Join us on a sensual journey through twelve different small towns, conceived by twelve titillating authors, who together bring you the third installment of the oh-so-steamy Sweet Somethings anthology.

Sweet Somethings III is a sexy collection of short and quick one-chapter stories that are sure to bring you lots of spicy moments, passion, love, foreplay, and fun!
Let us captivate your mind through this small-town escape and set your body of fire with sexual tension therein.
As always, alcohol and toys are optional; steam and sexiness are definitely required!

My Thoughts:

This was a quick 157 pages of steamy, fun stories. I read this in one evening and loved every minute. If you run across a story that wasn't for you, don't worry it will be over in a flash. But I enjoyed each and every one. This was a great switch-up from days of reading a story to finding out what was going to happen. It was definitely a page-turner. Highly recommend!

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