Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shadowed Obsession | Blood of the Sovereign: Book 2


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This book is currently on Kindle and Paperback

By: Harper Lynn

Publication Date: June 20, 2024

Rate: ♥♥♥♥

Read on: Kindle

Book Summary:

I try to ignore her. It’s impossible. Serving in the palace, Jaelyn and I crossed paths, sharing fleeting moments—brief glances, stolen smiles.

But not my secrets.

She clings to a moment of kindness I once showed her, a cursory gesture that seems to bind her to me. Now, she watches me, a silent shadow trailing my every move. They call it obsession.

I call it a distraction.

The Council’s oppressive grip tightens around Nelahs, and I vow to break free. I’ll never forget the day I discovered my true calling—to seize power at any cost.

Or the first time I saw fear in her eyes.

I am the prince driven by dark ambitions and relentless desires, projecting kindness to those around me, masking my true intentions. Jaelyn doesn’t know the depths of my cravings or the lengths I’ll go to achieve my goals.

The palace is nothing but power plays and hidden agendas, but one truth remains.

I will navigate it with ruthless precision.

Let Jaelyn think I’m hers like all the others.

The power will be mine.

Pick up "Shadowed Obsession," the prequel to the "Blood of the Sovereign" series, and step into a world where ambition blurs with obsession, and power is the ultimate prize.

My Thoughts:

After finishing Crown Burning I always wondered what happened with Jaelyn and the prince. Did they have a relationship? Was it all in Jaelyn's head? Or was there something deeper going on? Did you use her? So many questions. Well, now I know. I'm ready for the next book Passion's Rising coming July 25, 2024.

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